The website PENTALOG is edited by PENTALOG FRANCE S.A.S., a French company with a share capital of 963 285,00 euros, headquartered at 9 rue du 4 Septembre 75002 PARIS, France, registered with Companies Register in Orleans under the number B 400 300 190, SIRET number: 400 300 190 00057 – APE 6201Z
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Editing director: Frederic LASNIER.
The website PENTALOG is hosted by PENTALOG France S.A.S., on its data center located in Paris (France).
The activities developed by means of this site have been the object of CNIL’s declarations:
- simplified declaration CNIL number1016002 – v0 from 04/29/2004 ;
- ordinary declaration CNIL number 1016061- v0 from 04/29/2004 ;
- ordinary declaration CNIL number 1037772 – v0 from 08/09/2004 .